Category: Career

Career · 5 Min Read

The hardest working royals during lockdown

Interested to discover which Royal has put in the most working hours during lockdown? We analysed the hardest working royals for you!

Career · 1 Min Read

Notorious job rejections: Hollywood roles that never happened

Stars become inseparable from the parts they play and the movies they star in. Read on to find out what stars could have been in your favourite films.

Career · 1 Min Read

This baby name will be most successful at landing a job

Can your first name determine your future salary? did the research for you

Career · 9 Min Read

Revealed: the virtual jobs that will earn you the most money have researched into the highest earning virtual jobs. Check out the results!

Career · 1 Min Read

Busy Bees: The World’s Hardest Working Hollywood Stars

We analyzed the filmographies of 146 of today's leading Hollywood actors to see who is working the hardest.

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