What We Do

Privy is a Career Coaching and Enhancement Program. We understand the frustrations that employers and employees face finding the “right fit”. We have created tools and made the connections to simplify the experience for all parties involved.

Coaching for
all levels

Privy’s process is focused on automating your search to eliminate wasted time and unnecessary resources. We work with college students on how to enter a dynamic workforce as well as professionals who are more established in their career and deciding the next steps in their voyage. Our clients include some of the most progressive and adaptable companies in the world, in their industry. Our specialties include technology, digital marketing, cloud security, building design, healthcare, and new grads. 

Practice interview skills

We use video, and 1 on 1 training tools so you can ace your next interview

Strategies on accelerating your career

We know what employers want to see and hear and that is how we prepare

Sounding board for advice

Use your 1 on 1 monthly coaching session to improve and obtain advice from your coach

Looking for More?

From resume creation to video tips, we’ve got everything you need to find career fulfillment. With these resources, you can build a strong foundation. What happens when you need more?

Having a coach seems cliche’ when you have all these tools available. We understand. However, sometimes you just need that personal touch. Let’s have a conversation.