Category: Resume Help

Resume Help · 6 Min Read

CV buzzwords hiring managers dislike the most has consulted 562 hiring managers to discover the commonly used words on CVs they dislike the most.

Resume Help · 1 Min Read

When to add a photo to your resume

If you're unsure about including a photo with your resume, I'd say you're probably better off not attaching one. Job applications almost never require pictures except in the fields of modelling and few more.

Resume Help · 8 Min Read

Resume vs. curriculum vitae (CV): What’s the difference?

What is the difference between a CV and a resume? Let our experts explain you the differences per region of the world

Resume Help · 4 Min Read

How long should my resume be?

A good resume needs to be long enough to cover all the necessary information, yet not so long that it will overwhelm the person looking over the document. Figuring out how long your resume really needs to be involves

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