Schools, Organizations and Institutions

Customized Programs & Workplace Training

Early Stage Careers partners with schools, organizations and institutions to provide their career expertise to students, graduates and 20-something professionals. We customize programs to meet spective needs and goals.

For schools, our coaches provide integrated career advice and job-skills training to students and alumni.


We also work with institutions and organizations to help prepare interns and young employees for specific job functions, and/or train them in workplace etiquette and culture, to successfully ease their transition into the workplace.

Neurodiversity Training

Early Stage Careers offers a comprehensive inclusion training program for organizations & institutions to teach best practices when working with neurodiverse individuals. Our specialized neurodiversity coaches will educate staff, and spark discussion among employees on how to create a more inclusive work environment, and to utilize the strengths of neurodiverse employees.

Our neurodiversity workshops are customized for each individual employer, in order to properly service each organization’s unique needs. Some topics covered include: background information on Autism, common thinking styles, communication tips, understanding visual vs. auditory learning styles, and recommendations on future changes.

Do you represent a school or institution and would like to know more about working with Early Stage Careers?

Effective Career Techniques - presented by Early Stage Careers for the Association of Art Museum Directors

October 25, 2019


Early Stage Careers produced this career training event for Association of Art Museum Director (AAMD) Interns, helping prepare them for their upcoming internships and the workforce at large.

This workshop covered everything from strong interview techniques, building a personal brand, crafting an effective resume and customized cover letters for individual jobs, to job sourcing, networking, and utilizing social media and LinkedIn. Early Stage Careers was happy to share our wisdom with these interns, to help give them the tools they need to successfully move forward in their careers!

Career Intensive for Let's Get Ready Students - hosted by Early Stage Careers

January 11, 2018

"I believe that the session you created was more helpful than the resources the Career Services center at my university provided for me in a year."

- Jodi Sterling, Student-coach with Let's Get Ready

Early Stage Careers produced this career training event for Association of Art Museum Director (AAMD) Interns, helping prepare them for their upcoming internships and the workforce at large.

This workshop covered everything from strong interview techniques, building a personal brand, crafting an effective resume and customized cover letters for tools, ways to build and maintain a LinkedIn presence, and interview skills and personal brand building. In addition, students had professional headshots taken for their LinkedIn profiles, and enjoyed a professional panel lunch full of insight from our panelists who work in recruiting and HR. Early Stage Careers was thrilled to share our expertise and help give these promising students the tools they need to launch their careers!